I read a Book
The book in question (The Black Tattoo by Sam Enthoven) was amazing. It was thought provoking, a bit creepy in places, and thoroughly enjoyable. I was left with a few questions, though.
Just thought anyone reading this should know...
Lucius Malfoy should dump that skank Narcissa and have meee.
That is all.
Lots and Lots
No. This is my blog, and I will promote what I choose.
Today, I choose to promote my friend Evan.
Evan has a band, Krimson Enigma. They're kinda in their "Garage" phase still, along with the fact that I think the only current / permanent member at this time is him. Now, that being said, he's doing a contest. The whole premise of the contest is that they were given fairly raw stems of new Linkin Park, from the upcoming Album, and told to do their own mix of it. Evan's.....let's just say it is epic win in a hand grenade thrown into your ear and exploding your mind. Now, if he wins, his version will be featured on the Album, as a bonus track, which is amazing, because that will really help him when it comes to Krimson Enigma as well, plus, it's just a generally grand opportunity for him. I graduated with this guy, went to school with him for nearly all my school career, and can genuinely say he deserves this.
So, here's the link to his contest entry: http://www.indabamusic.com/submissions/show/22140
And here's a link to his band's myspace, because I have to promote that too, while I'm at it: http://www.myspace.com/krimsonenigma
Today started out a good day. I woke up feeling refreshed, decently pleasant aside from having to dishes only five minutes after waking, and actually, rather excited. Why? I have no idea, but I did. The point being, it was a good thing to wake up to. I busied myself with checking things out on the internet, as yesterday was full of internet failure, and reminded myself that I did, in fact, want to update this blog today, even if it was just a short: HELLO, WORLD! HOW'S THE WIFE AND KIDS?
In fact, I'm still experiencing minor internet fail today, but it is survivable.
No, today's happy mood was ruined, however.
On the eighth, my best friend, who lives at our house was supposed to get his first paycheck. He makes $8.50 an hour, which is above our current minimum wage. The only issue with him picking up his check? Whoever wrote it out was careless, and made him work for slave labor - a mere $0.50 an hour. So, his check was short a whole ($8.00 x Number of Hours). I don't know how much that was, so I can't give you a hard figure, but...it gets worse. Normally, at most places around here, they print their checks up at the location, so it's a simple matter. This place (and no, it's not Wal*Mart or something) had to send his check to New York. He's supposed to get it tonight, finally. They did compensate him like $31, which was his shift differential, or something like that, but the point being - they messed up his check.
Now, beyond this, one might not be certain of anything, except I got a lecture today - from him, about my life. Why? Because his is oh so easily put together, and mine is currently in shambles. Not that this is new. He's almost constantly trying to give me advice, and it can be very irritating to me, when I just want to point out that he doesn't know how hard it is because he has not been there. Why is my life in shambles?
I got a full ride scholarship to college.
They cut it in half.
I pondered dropping out before school began.
Family and Friends wouldn't let me.
I was told by certain people not to worry, they would get me money.
I worried anyway.
I was denied for loans.
I got a student credit card for school, so I could have emergency money / buy art supplies.
The $800 limit was used on: Art Supplies. Food. Food for my parents. A loan payment for my parents.
I kept up my payments.
At the end of the Fall Semester I owed the school $3710.
I was forced to leave school, because of lack of funding.
I was forced to stop paying my credit card due to no job.
Got a job, began paying on Credit Card again.
September 2009 - Put "on call" at work. Stopped pulling in Paycheck. Stopped paying Credit Card.
Creditors Start Calling.
Dec. 2009 - I TURN 20 (note I'm nearly over 10k in debt at age 19.)
Jan. 2010 - Laptop is Repossessed due to inability to scrimp, save, and sell off items to continue laptop payments.
Also Jan. 2010 - Begin Taking Online Courses for Graphic Design through Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Online Division.
Classes are funded entirely by loans.
Still no job.
Creditors Keep Calling / Sending Letters.
Stress gets to me. I nearly fail first drawing class at A.I.
May 2010 - Due to a miss-communication, my enrollment at A.I. is terminated, and they refuse to rectify the matter.
May 25th, 2010 - payment is due to creditor on Credit Card Debt. I have NOT AUTHORIZED anything about this.
I do not receive letter about the situation until late June / Early July because my father didn't give it to me.
June 2010 - Friend gets job, I ponder going back to A.I., father's unemployment gets cut.
I rationalize that going back to school isn't reasonable at this time due to monetary status.
My father rationalizes that I cannot afford not to go back.
Possibility of losing family home looms over head.
Grandmother's health begins acting up.
Gay best friend who is supporting us begins to nag me about a job.
The prospects of me getting a job are not very good. I have back issues, so a lot of lifting would get to my health. Working with kids doesn't bother me because I enjoy it and I can ignore the pain. Working in retail wouldn't be good because I would either know nothing about the products, or dislike a majority of the clientele based on juvenile past differences that they would likely not throw away, and I would dislike staring at them and trying to be polite. Fast food is out of the question because if I'm in the back, cooking, I will get migraines from the heat, and be unable to tolerate the work. I'm afraid of answering phones, and have a healthy fear of strangers as well. Not only that, I do not drive. I have never had a driver's license, and between procuring me a license and car, in case my father got a job, plus gas and insurance for the car, and my current debt, it's just not happening.
If I had a job, my paycheck would go to the following:
1. Paying off the credit card debt (now totaling $1,277.94 at last notification)
2. Paying off school debt to first college. (Now totaling $4973.33)
3. Pay off loans to the banks from A.I. (total unknown)
4. Get Cell Phone turned back on / pay my part of cell bill (I'm guessing between $75 and $125 a month)
5. Get new laptop. (My last laptop was $141.45 or so a month. Not sure on the change bit. Estimate about that)
6. Sundry items for myself (razor blades, shampoo, deodorant, etc., which I have mostly bought myself since college)
7. New Clothes When Needed (which I currently need new pajamas)
Current Minimum wage here is $7.25. If I work a 40 hour week, at minimum wage, that's about $290.00 in one week. I think I did my math right). That's $1160.00 a month.... and quite frankly, for all my debt, that's not a lot. So, in my eyes, I don't see work being feasible. On top of all that, put in Art Supplies if I go back to school (which can cost upward of $300 to get everything on a college supply list, in one sitting), and it's really not manageable at all.
So, being nagged about needing a job didn't help much today. I think I'll end this rant here, though.
Magic and Myth and Exploration
Lost Time
- My life isn't in the greatest place, and my phone is shut off. Having the blog, even while no one will read it more than likely, will serve as a place to vent my frustrations, and it will allow me to write more than I do on a general basis.
- It will hopefully make my Role Playing a lot easier, as I will be writing more often, and therefore be more motivated to write posts.
- Keeping up with my own blog will allow me to keep up with the blogs of other people, some of whom I am worried about currently, even if my worry isn't appreciated.
- I figure it's something, at least.
So, an explanation of my reasons. Currently, I am living in a four person household - that used to be a five, until one member decided to go on an extended hiatus to Wyoming. This isn't really a problem, I grew up in a household of at least three if not four people in my later years, and never really was phased by the number, some of the people surely, but the number didn't bother me. The problem is that I have been without a job since last September. I've been on an emotional roller coaster since before then that has culminated in me sitting here now with a strange sense of nothingness and lethargy. My stepmother (commonly referred to as: The Step Monster and formerly "The Wicked Witch of the South" which shall no longer be used) is in Wyoming, which should bring a sense of relief. She left, because she didn't like our monetary situation, which has been difficult at best. I've been out of work since Sept.09, my father and stepmother have been in and out of work since 08, my best friend who moved into my house in late 08 has been in and out of work, and my grandmother cannot work. Just recently, my father's unemployment got cut off. We've lived on one income in the past - said unemployment - but now, we're living on my best friend's paycheck, and he makes less than my father did, and we were struggling then, so now...it's a question of "will we have food" "will we have power" "will we have a house" on top of the fact that my grandmother's health is failing. About a month ago, my mother came to visit, and I could have gone to live with her, but I didn't. If I had, I would be in a more stable environment, but with my stepfather's health not the greatest (He's had heart problems for a while now, and only a few years ago had a quintuple bypass) I wanted to stay here, where I currently am, to see if things would improve.
They have not.
Should I have taken that flying leap into the great unknown? Possibly, but I had my reasons to stay. I am not an easily adaptable person. I am shy at best, and moving somewhere where I have no established friends really, save my ex boyfriend, would have been difficult for me. My mother would have helped me get a job, a car, and I could have built a life out of that, but I would have had no friends, and no use for the money I would be making, as I feel awkward going out alone, and not having anyone to be with. Could I have? Certainly. Would I have survived? Definitely, and I may have made friends, but I felt better about staying then going.
I have also had offers from friends to move in with them. I would be moving from one state to another, which I wouldn't mind, but I don't currently have the funding, and neither do they. In essence, I am stuck here, in this tiny piece of waste that is a rural farming community, where I can walk for an hour and the only sign of civilization I come across aside from the quaint houses is a small community center, and a country church.
I have been forced to discontinue my schooling on more than one occasion, but my love for my path doesn't fade - except in that most of my will to draw has been sapped by my stress. I simply do not have the drive to sit about and do it. It feels like work, and this worries me. The only things I can really be motivated to do are talk to people on IM, and post in forum based role plays, and while my writing has improved, as I meet new, and interesting people, and I actually learn more about myself, I still know it could be better, if I had something I loved that I was being paid to do.
As for my worry, I don't wish to disclose anything at this time, because while I want to help the situation, I do not want to be drawn too deeply into it myself. I am vulnerable right now. I am not safe, and putting myself into more of a position of that sort is not wise. I can only hope that I can be of some assistance, however minor.
This is my new design.
This is where I express myself, become myself, engage myself.
I am human.
I am female one moment, and male the next, and then in an instant I am nothing but fluidity. Physically, you will always see a girl staring at you, but it is my mentality that defines me, and even that is transient and wavering.
I am not interested in the physical parts of your being, but the mental and emotional manifestation that is your personal soul.
I am an energy feeder and an empath.
I am still learning.
I am strongest when I am pushed at my weakest point, and weakest when approached at the peak of my strength.
You cannot have my soul, because it still belongs to someone else. I've been too lazy to get it back.
You cannot frighten me, for I have seen your horror reflected in your eyes.