Greetings, dolls and faces, and welcome to this, my happy corner of the internet, well, I say happy, but I'm not exactly sure of that. I am, as you will come to find, an artist, a dreamer, and a bit on the insane side. I'm a bit obsessive when it comes to things I am a fan of, and will remain that way. I've been harboring an addiction to anime, manga, fantasy, and Jhonen Vasquez for years now, as well as a fascination with role-playing on forums. If I think about it, and have the time and the gumption, I might give you all an introduction to some of my more interesting characters, and the sites which I portray them on, or even still, glimpses into my mind.
I'm a fan of many things, and am working on creating things that hopefully people will become fans of. My most recent idea is very fantastical, bringing in elements from mythologies, religions, and fantasy. The realm of the Apocalypse, and the cause of it, is my focus, and the primary characters are The Fate, Morta, a Fairie, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and a currently unnamed evil being whose nature might seem a little cliché but with the rest of the story being basically anti-cliché I don't feel so bad about it, I suppose.
Has this piqued your interest, dear readers? I shan't divulge more at this time, but let's just say I have some interesting ideas in mind for Morta and the rest of the crew I bring into this world. On another note, however, Halloween was recently, and I experienced epicness on a grand scale. I met a most wonderful person, who lives about five hours north of Hell, and instead of having a boring night at home, or even a Hellish night at a club, I spent the evening being a social butterfly, and finding out that a friend of mine hadn't sent me a terrible text to end our friendship after all. Of course, my evening of fun and frivolity is normal, when it comes to attending that club, as it beings out the socialite in me. I'm not much for social situations, as was shown when I initially spoke to the most awesome person I met, with my bumbling speech, and constant fidgeting, but I managed to not only make contact, but create a very wonderful friendship with the man.
Of course, he was back down here, in Hell this past weekend, but the evils of not having a job, and my friend not getting a paycheck until Thursday brought about the terror of no funding to travel the hours drive to and fro to see him while he was near, so I've that to frown upon, along with the insufferable amount of confusion that is seeping off the boy who I've tried so desperately to break up with, but he just won't understand, or see reason. I am not one to commune with idiots on a daily basis, and yet I find myself tied to one. I hate it. I need intelligence and conversation, and....something other than the redneck incarnation of Ozzy Osbourne.
And I find myself rambling. I believe I shall end this little tirade before it gets too far out of hand, but darlings, I shall grace this with more soon, I assure you. Loves.
And I find myself rambling. I believe I shall end this little tirade before it gets too far out of hand, but darlings, I shall grace this with more soon, I assure you. Loves.